To see how properly flooring resists dents, scratches, stains and widespread foot – and paw – visitors CR runs a collection of strong checks. 

Strong wooden flooring from Teragren is Produced from bamboo and aced CR’s scratching and dent checks. It is additionally Fantastic for resisting stains. 

Do You’d like to get A lot of foot visitors think about LL Flooring Purple Oak Instead. It earned Definitely one of many prime scores in CR’s abrasion checks. 

Whether or not You are placing in new flooring or Your house hAs a Outcome of them already, maintaining them wanting good for years To return does require some particular care. 

“A no footwear inside rule Might be good if You will Have The power to implement it. However It’d be strong with youngsters and pets monitoring dust in,” Stanger said. 

Place a doormat outdoors of All of your entrances To maintain people and pets from monitoring in dust And dust. Consider space rugs or runners in extreme visitors zones like in entrance of the kitchen sink or oven. 

To maintain scratches away, use felt protectors beneath your furnishings legs and On A daily basis enhance furnishings Rather than sliding. 

A great vacuum Might assist too.

The Kenmore Elite Pet Nice upright vacuum Is An excellent selection for naked flooring and carpets. And, As a Outcome of the identify implies, It could deal with your pet’s hair, too! 
