Native small enterprise, Direct Flooring, has opened its second location in Downtown Rossville, named “Direct Flooring Outlet”. 

The proprietor, Jordan Parker, is a Chattanooga native and third-period Inside the Carpet and Flooring enterprise. Mr. Parker been involved with the Chattanooga enterprise group since starting Direct Flooring in 2004. 

“I truly think about Inside the Rossville and the North Georgia group,” said Mr. Parker. “I’m additionally very impressed to see how the local (Rossville) authorities is working To Guarantee a shiny future For his or her residents and small companies. Rising up, my household’s flooring retailer was based mostly in East Ridge, which is shut to this new Rossville location.

“The property that Direct Flooring Outlet occupies was final used as a automotive lot / storage. I noticed the potential in re-purposing this space. It’s An best space for what We’d like and has given us An excellent deal of sq. footage to inventory huge inventory. Rossville is already curlease process A strong revitalization and redevelopment effort and We now Want to be An factor of this initiative.

“Direct Flooring Outlet will supply Rossville this space’s hugest Selection of luxurious vinyl plank and hardwood flooring.  All flooring on curlease Is out there on website… saving our clients time from ordering As properly as to potential curlease factors. 

“Waterproof Luxury Vinyl is The most properly-appreciated product in right now’s flooring market. Our clients can Decide To place in themselves, or We curlease quick turnaround time for installations.

“Direct Flooring Outlet Focuses on Prime extreme quality buyouts and we move the financial savings On to our clients.  With gasoline prices and inflation on the rise, we understand That people Have to economize now Greater than ever. 

